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Rockville Mediation Lawyer

Mediation Attorney Giving Families More Options

Divorce is an incredibly difficult prospect for anyone to face. The pain you feel is already so much to handle, but when you add the idea of dealing with divorce court, coming up with a parenting plan, dividing your assets, and deciding if alimony is necessary… it is all just so much to take on for one person.

What if there is an easier way to deal with divorce? Is there a way where you and your former spouse could avoid the hassles of divorce court?

First of all, we want to offer our sincerest regret that you are going through this. KGH Family Law provides a way to work through your divorce in a way that can result in you and your former spouse coming out of this satisfied with the results and with the ability to maintain a healthy relationship, even after divorce.

What is Divorce Mediation?

You may be surprised to find that divorce is not the only option available for couples who are looking to end their marriage. Some couples are able to negotiate their divorce without counsel from an attorney or without going through divorce court. This may be because their divorce is clear-cut. Perhaps they don’t have marital assets that need division. Also, if they never had children together, you don’t need to decide on child support or child custody.

Couples who have more to work through, perhaps they have many shared assets or children together, may need more legal advice. These couples can choose to go through the traditional divorce process, hiring their lawyers and working with divorce court to divide their assets and determine things like spousal support, child support, custody, and so on.

KGH Family Law would like to tell you about divorce mediation. This is an option couples can use if they need a little help deciding how things should be done while avoiding going through divorce court. The goal of the mediation process is to work with a legal professional and your partner on a way to distribute your property fairly, determine child custody along with a parenting plan, communicate about alimony, and answer your questions regarding any divorce matters you may need help with.

How Does Divorce Mediation Work?

Some divorce scenarios are clear-cut, with very little that the two parties need to settle. However, most divorces are complex, with many assets that may have been acquired before the marriage, as well as assets gained during the marriage. Children can complicate the situation, as can spousal support.

These couples may wish to use a professional mediation service. A mediation session involves you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse meeting with a professional who can mediate. This advocate will work with you and your spouse to come up with an amicable split that feels fair for both parties and supports the healthy upbringing of their children.

Many family law issues may arise during your divorce that you are not prepared for. This is where a divorce mediation attorney comes into play. This professional is familiar with the laws that surround divorce and can help you and your ex end things in a way that can avoid a divorce court trial.

Why Choose an Alternative Dispute Resolution Instead of Divorce Court?

Divorce court is exactly that: a sterile courtroom, a judge who doesn’t know about your current situation, and lawyers who want your money more than conflict resolution. You are but a number in the eyes of the court. A number that doesn’t have a face or name. Your case will be determined based on numbers and financial sheets. It is a completely impersonal way to deal with such an emotionally charged time in your life.

You and your partner may want to avoid going through the trial process of divorce. Still, you may also have complications that demand professional attention, such as shared assets, children, property, and more. You want to work together to come to a peaceful agreement, but you feel like you are in over your head.

These are the clients KGH Family Law wants to work with and that could benefit the most from a mediator.

How Can a Mediator Help Parents With Children?

Children can make the process of divorce seem impossible. The one thing you and your soon-to-be-ex can come to an agreement on is how important the lives of your children are and how little you need this divorce to impact them.

Working with your divorce mediation lawyer, a neutral third party, you and your ex can come up with a parenting plan that the courts will agree with. By avoiding nasty conflicts and the process of having the court determine custody and child support, you can lessen the stress on all parties involved and, more importantly, alleviate the stress on your kids.

Can KGH Family Law Help You?

Working with a family law attorney can be the difference between a turbulent divorce where no one walks away satisfied, and everyone walks away angry or all parties walking away knowing that everything was done, leading to a result where all parties feel like they were fairly represented and they can continue their lives happily.

KGH Family Law has been working with families for over a decade. We have experience with mediation, and we want what is best for you, your soon-to-be-ex spouse, and both of your families.

Call 240-616-6968 to schedule your obligation-consultation with the compassionate team that knows what you are going through and wants you to walk away happy. KGH Family Law offers mediation that is designed to avoid conflict and have a fair resolution for all involved.

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