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Rockville Divorce Lawyer

Working Towards the Best Resolution to Your Divorce

Going through a divorce will be one of the most difficult things you and your family will go through. You are going through an emotionally turbulent time where you feel like you must stay strong for your family and kids. While you are suffering from this emotional pain, you also have to keep your head on straight for the non-emotional tasks at hand.

You are probably already worried about what things will look like after the dust settles. Will you lose the property you’ve worked for? How much of your assets will go to your soon-to-be ex? How often will you be able to see your kid? And how does child support work?

Working with KGH Family Law, you can feel comfortable knowing you are working with an experienced divorce and family lawyer.

Are All Divorces the Same?

It is important to know that there are many different kinds of divorce, each with its benefits. It can be hard to determine which divorce method will be best for you and your partner. Here are a few types of divorce. Using this information, you can decide how to move forward with your divorce.

No Fault Divorce

Maryland is one of the many states that does not offer at-fault divorces. This means you do not have to prove fault in order to petition for a divorce. It is important to remember that in Maryland, you may be required to go through 6 months of separation before your marriage can be dissolved.

Contested Divorce vs Uncontested Divorce

A contested divorce is a divorce where you and your partner are unable to agree on some aspect of your divorce settlement. This disagreement could be simple as you and your spouse do not agree on getting a divorce in the first place. More common disputes are you and your spouse not being able to agree on how your property and assets are divided, how your debts are divided, child support and custody, and other important matters.

If you and your spouse are unable to get past these disagreements and go through with a contested divorce, then you are asking the court to decide on the issues that are contested. This requires attending hearings where evidence may be necessary and presented.

An uncontested divorce is a divorce where you and your spouse can agree on a divorce settlement, and you do not need the court to resolve your issues, including the division of property, You and your partner will draft a separation agreement and a parenting plan by working together.

An uncontested divorce can be quicker, less costly, and result in a better settlement for both of you since you both worked together to create the agreement. It also has the added benefit of helping alleviate stress and animosity for you, your soon-to-be former spouse, your kids, and the family of all parties involved.

Litigated Mediated or Collaborative Divorce

A litigated divorce is a traditional method of conflict resolution using litigation. Both parties would hire an attorney to represent them, presenting facts to the court. A couple would go through a litigated divorce when they have conflicts that they are unable to resolve themselves.

Mediation is another form of conflict resolution that a couple can use if they are finding it difficult to agree on important topics. Mediation uses a neutral third party in a professional environment to help the couples understand the terms of divorce, as well as to draft a divorce settlement and help parents draft a parenting plan.

A collaborative divorce involves both spouses hiring attorneys who specialize as collaborative divorce attorneys. Both parties’ attorneys will negotiate to create a divorce settlement that is beneficial to both parties. When a couple agrees on a collaborative divorce, they agree not to pursue litigation for the case.

Divorce and Child Custody

It is natural for both mothers and fathers to want a fair amount of time with their children. Divorce may mean less time with your children, figuring out child support, and figuring out how important decisions made for the sake of your children are.

Working with a divorce lawyer, you and your spouse will be able to come up with an agreement that isn’t beneficial to one person or the other but beneficial for both parents and their children. You will be able to work on a parenting agreement, which is a document presented to the court that goes over custody, decision-making protocol, child support, visitation, and permanent address.

Do You Need a Family Attorney for Your Divorce Case?

While you may not need a divorce lawyer to file for divorce, you can rest assured that your spouse has likely spoken with an attorney regarding your divorce. Your spouse may have good intentions, and they may plan to only fight for what they earned, a fair custody order, and no spousal support.

But what if they want more?

Working with an experienced divorce lawyer, you can make sure your husband or wife walks away from this divorce with only what they worked for and a fair parenting plan.

Call 240-616-6968 to speak with the knowledgeable team at KGH Family Law. Our law office is experienced when it comes to divorce. If your soon-to-be ex-spouse is willing to work with you on creating a healthy, mutually beneficial divorce, then KGH Family Law is here to help.

If your partner is going to make things difficult for you, then KGH Family Law is here to fight for you and what is right.

Don’t depend on your spouse’s good nature to have a fair divorce; call KGH Family Law today and know your wants and needs are being heard!

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